Our solutions

Discover our modular and scalable AEM electrolysis units to promote sustainable hydrogen production for a wide range of applications!

H2i offers scalable, modular electrolysis units that can be easily integrated into various applications. Our highly efficient stacks can be integrated into standardised modular units and operated in an application-specific manner.


The centrepiece of the H2i systems is a powerful and efficient AEM electrolysis stack of the latest generation, which does not require expensive precious metals (PGM-free). Our patented stack design guarantees permanent tightness and enables highly automated production to the highest quality standards.

Key Facts

Sustainability by design

No use of critical PGM raw materials

free of harmful PFAS materials

Simple and inexpensive to refurbish

Key Facts

Cost efficiency

Low material costs

Design for high-performance series production

Automated assembly and quality control

Key Facts

High efficiency

Nominal power consumption

<48 kWh/kg

Voltage efficiency (LHV)

~70 %

Key Facts

Industrial specifications

H2-Outlet pressure

30 bar

Operating temperature

60 °C

H2 purity

>99,9 %

Key Facts

Performance variables

*Continuous scaling and performance increase

~15 Nm³/d


~50 Nm³/d


~150 Nm³/d


The H2i stack layer is a compact unit consisting of several stacks on an innovative carrier element. This unique arrangement enables high power densities in a small space and offers reliable interfaces for integration into system modules.  

Thanks to the flexible interconnection of the stacks, the degree of modularisation can be optimally adapted to individual requirements.


H2i-COMB und

Unsere Systemmodule bieten skalierbare Lösungen für verschiedenste Anwendungsfälle. Jede Einheit umfasst die Systemtechnik für den innovativen H2i-Betriebsmodus. Standardisierte Schnittstellen zur Steuerungs- und Prozesstechnik ermöglichen eine einfache Integration der Anlagen.

Detailansicht COMB & WING Stackmodul
System module

This compact modular element offers space for up to 4 Powerpacks and is ideal for applications from 25 to 500 kW.

System module

By integrating H2IVE systems with two WING modules, standard 40-foot containers with power classes of 1 MW can be realised.

Key Facts


Dynamic power range 10-100 %

H2-Output: 22,5 kg/d

Dimensions: 800x800x2000 mm

Key Facts


Dynamic power range: 5-100 %

H2-Output: 225 kg/d

Dimensions: 3200x800x2000 mm


Our modules can be easily integrated into systems on a customised basis. The intelligent integration of operating components and the independence of the modules from each other enable easy scaling to power ranges beyond 5-10 MW. Our AEM stacks and an innovative, dynamic operating mode are the key to the lowest hydrogen production costs.

low operating costs
adaptive load distribution
easily scalable
high reliability
H2i-COMB integration in individual containers
[500 kW]

H2iVE systems with our compact H2i-COMB modules can be easily integrated into 20 or 40 foot containers to create compact and easy-to-install solutions.

H2i-COMB-Integration in Einzelcontainer
[500 kW]
H2i-WING integration in individual containers
[1 MW]

By integrating H2iVE systems with two H2i-WING modules, standard 40-foot containers with power classes of 1 MW can be realised.

H2i-WING-Integration in Einzelcontainer
[1 MW]
H2i-WING integration in container system
[5 MW]

The strength of our H2iVE concept is the system components integrated in modules, which enables a high degree of scalability and the simple realisation of modular multi-MW systems.

H2i-WING-Integration in Containeranlage
[5 MW]

More about our solutions

When are products from H2i available on the market?

We are working hard on the technological maturity of our products and testing our units under a wide range of conditions and in industrial applications. As things stand, we are planning to enter the market in 2027.

Which liquid electrolyte is used to operate the stack?

For optimum operation of the H2i AEM stack, a weak potassium hydroxide solution is recommended on both sides. The H2i system module provides the optimum operating environment for our AEM stacks and ensures a closed caustic circuit.

What water quality is required for a system module?

Our AEM modules can easily be operated with pure water from a simple and inexpensive reverse osmosis system. However, we recommend the use of ultrapure water for the highest demands on the efficiency and service life of the stacks.

Which interfaces does an H2i system module offer?

The Hi system module offers simple interfaces for integration into electrolysis systems. Fresh water and electricity are connected from below via an intermediate floor. The same applies to the supply and return connections for waste heat utilisation (liquid). Connections for hydrogen and oxygen are located on the top of the module, as well as for discharging purge gas. The module can be easily connected to a ventilation system via the roof element.

Can an H2i system module be integrated into a containerised solution for PEM systems?

Integration is possible thanks to the closed caustic circuit and the defined interfaces for the supply of electricity and fresh water as well as for the removal of hydrogen, oxygen and heat. However, it is not possible to make a general statement on this; each integration option must be analysed and evaluated individually.

How dynamically can a stack and a system module be operated?

Our AEM stacks can also be operated in very low partial load ranges and can be ramped up to full load within a few seconds. Depending on requirements, stacks in our modules can be wired in different ways to achieve different levels of modularization. As a result, a 1 MW system, for example, can also easily reach load points in a 2-digit kW range.


We look forward to receiving your enquiry and will be happy to provide you with further information.

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